Copycat Winger's Asphalt Pie

I don't know about you, but Winger's Asphalt Pie is one of my all-time favorite desserts. And the fact that they give you a free slice of it on your birthday is just outstanding.

Jordan's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and since he loves mint anything I decided to make his asphalt pie for his "birthday cake."

I know this isn't much of a recipe, but I love being able to adjust the Oreo to ice cream ration. I love my Oreo's kids.

Because the best part of this pie? The real winner? It's the THICK Oreo crust. Thee best part I tell you.

*Disclaimer: Make sure you share this with friends or family because you can and might easily eat it yourself in a matter of two or fewer days.

Copycat Wingerā€™s Asphalt Pie
About half a package of Oreo cookies
4 Tbsp. butter, melted
1.5 quart mint chocolate chip ice cream, softened
Caramel syrup
Can of Reddi-Whip Cream

1. Take ice cream out of freezer and set on counter to soften.
2. Drop about 1 to 1Ā½ row(s) of Oreo cookies into a blender and pulse until you get fine crumbs. (Youā€™ll need 2 cups worth.)
3. Drop 4-6 Oreos into the blender and pulse into large chunks. Set aside.
4. Combine the 2 cups of Oreo crumbs and melted butter. Press down into bottom of a 9-inch pie pan. (A deep dish pie pan works great for this.)
5. Scoop ice cream onto the crust and spread until completely covered. Put in freezer for at least 3 hours.
6. Before serving each slice, top with reserved Oreoā€™s, caramel and whipped cream.


  1. This looks incredibly delicious!
    I hope you don't mind if I use it in the food fight feature tomorrow (photo and link back only!)

    1. I would love if you used it! Thanks for asking! It really is delicious. I'm excited to see your post. :)


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